FOR believers


Creating an atmosphere of family and unity

Learning to comfort, love and grow together

Sharing vision and passion

Theme and Dates for 2025


The World to Come

Sunday 3 to Saturday 9 August 2025

What to expect…

What to expect…

What to expect…


During the Summer Conference we want to create an opportunity for like minded believers to come together as a body to bring their offering in Worship.


While seeking the Father in Worship we trust that He will fill each believer’s heart with solid life changing teaching so that each one that attends the conference will return home renewed.


When we are renewed in His word, He will fill our hearts with His desires and guide our prayers according to His will. This will enable us as a body to have a unified time of intercession during the week of the conference.


What is the EU Summer Conference?

The Conference was birthed from a desire to facilitate a gathering of believers across Europe and the Nations for a week of worship, teaching and intercession. Individuals who had preciously visited the ministry house of Hebrew People in Israel voiced a need for such a time of fellowship to be held for those who were unable to gather together in Israel on a regular basis. The Conference is a time of equipping believers to step out of their comfort zones to grow spiritually so that they may be presented as a ready Bride for Messiah.

Why the EU Summer Conference?

The conference is an opportunity for like minded individuals to come together and be equipped as a ready Bride for Messiah. It is a platform to stand with Israel, sharing our lives so that new communities can be birthed and people’s lives will be challenged and changed by it. This is a moment in time where we can spend time with the Father and fellow believers. During the week of the Conference there is opportunities to explore the beautiful nature the Father has created as well as participating in prophetic actions.

Who is the EU Summer Conference for?

The conference is for all individuals and families who want to come together for a week of fellowship, discipleship and building relationships. Those who have a passion and love for Israel, and aligns with the vision of Hebrew People to equip the bride. This also includes anyone who wants to know more about the Hebrew background of their faith from a Biblical perspective.

When is the EU Summer Conference?

The Summer Conference is during the Swiss Summer holidays. This is normally during last week of July or the first week of August. The dates for the following year of the Conference is normally announced during the week of the conference.